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The Fall of Sky (Part Three) Page 4

  “I know. It’s not Jonas that worries me.”

  He stepped away from me, and the loss of his warmth froze the air like an artic wind. I wanted his body next to mine again, but I waited as I watched him think things over.

  “Liv will be okay. Time heals all sorts of things. If not, she will adjust. You’re both made strong that way.”

  “I don’t know. Things are different between her and I. She doesn’t tell me a lot of things anymore. I feel like I’m watching her movie from the outside in. What if she’s doing things she shouldn’t be meddling with?”


  I groaned, rubbing my temples as the people rushed about us for the next show. We’re forgotten, lost in the frenzy of chaos as everyone did their jobs and did their best to pretend we didn’t exist in the middle of their paths.

  “I don’t know. It’s like, most days she’s just trying to get away from herself. The other night, though, she came back looking different, changed, more sober, even though she had to be blasted. Since that night, she isn’t drinking. She’s actually walking around laughing and chatting with everyone, even offered to come to this interview, but I told her no because they were only expecting me and had it all planned out.” I leaned forward. “In reality, they wanted her to come, but I didn’t trust her to not show up high as a kite.”

  “So she’s on her cold turkey cycle again.”

  I shook my head. “You totally have been around us way too much lately. You know us too well.” I narrowed my eyes at him and gave him a cocked smile. “What else might you know that could be held against us?”

  Saul laughed, stepping closer so that his nose almost touched mine. “Oh, I know everything, my love. More than anyone should…” He stroked my cheek, and the slivers of energy he emitted through that singular touch made me gasp.

  “Same can be said about me.”

  Saul paused, thinking about what I’d just said. “I hope so.”

  Chapter Eight


  Something woke me in the middle of darkness. I blinked and peered around the unfamiliar room, which didn’t quite surprise me all that much. In the past few months, I’d gotten more used to waking up in strange hotel rooms, cities who’s name I couldn’t remember, and living out of a suitcase more so than ever before in my life. Every day a new place. Every morning a new view. One would think you could get used to it. I tried to act like it was nothing to me now, this moving around all the time, but I never really got used to it.

  Soft snores from the warm chest I was lying on reminded me I wasn’t alone. My senses kicked in, and the scent of the only man I’ve ever truly loved filled my nostrils. It was elating, this satisfaction I could feel in my bones, still thrumming through my veins from the night before. We’d made love so many times, like we’d never get enough of one another, ever. We’d been empty for months and now were overindulging ourselves in a gluttonous rush of passion. Emilio was my drug of choice, eclipsing all others in his wake, and I drank up all I could.

  Slowly peeling my body from his, he barely shifted in his sleep from my disturbance. Sore muscles protested this movement, and I rolled my neck around, feeling each and every exquisite ache. I knew what had caused these pains, and it was the one between my thighs that hurt the best. This man could turn pain into a divine pleasure I couldn’t live without.

  The thought of his love caused a tingle to rise inside me, down the center of my belly and drizzling into my sex. I happily sighed, knowing soon enough he would wake and we could start it all over again. Damn be the soreness.

  Slipping away toward the bathroom, I stared at my reflection. My hair was a twisted nightmare, sticking out in all directions and tangled. My makeup had worn away, leaving behind unsightly smears of eyeliner around my eyes and faint traces of lipstick staining the skin around my lips. I felt the liquor still circulating in my stomach, and a wave of nausea hit me as I pressed a hand to my eyes. I’d let myself get dehydrated, and it was going to demand payment for it.

  I let the room calm its spinning before grabbing one of the plastic wrapped cups off the vanity and filling it with water. Downing it, I felt immediately better if not a bit queasy.

  Partying was starting to wear on me. It was my ruse tonight to slip away to see Emilio again. I met him at the club and spent the endless night with him.

  I grabbed my purse just outside the bathroom on the carpeted floor of the room. Glad I always kept a small brush and morning after essentials stuffed in there in case of an emergency, I began to work the knots out of my hair until the brush made its way through without ripping out any more hairs at the roots. I contemplated a soak as I stared longingly at the roman tub with jets in the room, but opted for a fast shower before Emilio woke up. I didn’t have anything to do my hair with me and no fresh clothes. Still, I wanted to freshen up and wipe the smoky film of nightclub off my skin.

  After a quick washing, I walked back into the room and froze.

  “Hello, Miss Westing.”

  Random was sitting at the small breakfast table in the room while Emilio sat in only jeans at the edge of the bed. His stubble made him look tired, as did his messed up tresses. I gulped as I moved my eyes from him back to Random. What the fuck was he doing here? Shit.

  “Random,” I said, giving him a nod as I tightened the towel around my body. The bastard had the gall to even eye me from head to toe in apparent admiration, if not heated underlying desire. He’d never looked at me like that in the studio. In fact, he’d hardly given me a roll of an eye in acknowledgement whenever I’d stroll in late for a recording session. I’d always thought he loathed me and had written me off as drunken starlet. The early darkened hours of morning awoke a great many things in people—primal things we denied ourselves every waking hour under the microscope of the ever discerning light. Random was showing more than he’d ever care to admit if he wasn’t high off of something right now. How did I know this? It wasn’t hard since I’d been in that very state dozens and dozens of times. It took one to know one.

  Honestly, the look on his face at the moment made me want to rush back into the bathroom and lock the door behind me, that or grab my clothes and change really fast with him not in the room. It wasn’t completely vile; it was more of a curious desire that he reeked of, really. Yet, it still made me shudder.

  “I see I’ve come at the most inopportune time, but I had to speak to Emilio. I didn’t know he was in town until very late last night, so I decided to give him a wakeup call. Had I known he would have such delightful company, I would’ve waited a few hours.”

  “What do you want, Random?” I snapped as I reached over toward the pile of my clothes on the floor, snatching it into my hands before he could protest.

  “Oh, it’s business as usual. But I’m afraid I need to adjust some particulars about it.”

  “I need to get dressed.”

  Random tilted his head and motioned his hand toward the restroom. “I hope I’m not holding you up. I’ve just a few more things to discuss with Emilio.”

  I turned away before they could say anything further and shut the bathroom door behind me. Leaning my forehead to the door, I strained to hear anything they were talking about. Not that I cared to really know, or want to know, it’s just…the change in Random’s demeanor made my suspicions kick into overdrive, and I was now invested in the conversation. I sure as hell wanted to know what was being discussed.

  Only faint murmurs made it through the door, and I cursed under my breath and tore the towel off when I realized I was better off getting dressed with a lightning speed to head back out of the bathroom if I was to get anything else out of Random. Pulling on my smoky scented clothes I’d been wearing, I tried to hold my breath. The smoke was thick last night, and it made me choke on the whiffs of it wafting off them. I sighed, seeing only a small body spray in my purse. Spritzing it on before tearing my compact brush through my tresses again, I was done in a couple minutes flat and emerged from the room with a makeup free, but fre
shly scrubbed face.

  My unusual appearance attracted Random’s gaze as he chatted with Emilio. His eyes watched my movements as I made my way across the room to the edge of the bed next to my love.

  “Jonas may not be as involved with the record deal as I’d like, but he has eyes all over the place. I suggest you both keep a better watch over your surroundings than you’ve done recently. There’re rumors flying through the ranks of the Cartel guards posted at the studio. I’m sure you’re aware of it.”

  “What rumors?” I asked. Emilio turned toward me, a stern hard look in his dark eyes that made want to shrink away, but I didn’t. I continued, avoiding his warning. “What have you heard, Random?”

  Random moved his light hazel eyes between Emilio and me, silently contemplating what he was going to offer me. I wished he’d cough it up already, but a part of me didn’t want to know anything that had to do with what Jonas knew about me.

  “It’s just rumors, but I heard Jonas is looking to move to the next level with you, Liv. Marrying a rock star would be good for his career.” Random watched me for a reaction, but I refused to give him one. I swallowed it down, down into my stomach where it could fester into a sickened rot.

  “What sort of level do you mean?” Emilio interrupted this time, obviously stunned. I remained silent, knowing anything shocking him was not going to be good in any way.

  “He’s going to ask you to marry him. I wouldn’t call it ‘asking’…really. More like telling. He’s enamored of you, Liz. I was surprised he’d jump to that already. You’ve not been together very long, have you?” He studied me further, his gaze probing at me like a dental pick.

  “Just six months.”

  “I see.” He moved his eyes toward Emilio. “And you two? Just as long?”

  Emilio got to his feet, grabbing Random by the shirt and dragging him to his feet with one fierce movement. I too was up on my feet, feeling my heart jumping in a panic. Had Jonas sent him to question us? What the hell was going on?

  “I think you need to leave now. And asking questions can be a dangerous habit.”

  Random lifted his arms in surrender, an amused grin sliding across his lips.

  “I’m not one to talk much. Ask Liz. Besides, I don’t really care what’s going on between you two. Just get her to the studio on time this time around. That’s all I ask.”

  Emilio shoved him back, letting Random tumble to the ground. “Stay away from us. I advise you to keep away from Jonas too. He’s not who he seems to be. He’ll make you pay for anything you say, trust me.”

  Random scrambled back to his feet, looking out of sorts. He straightened himself and smoothed down his clothes and hair as he shook off the assault.

  “If he knows anything, it’s not from me. But I have a price too.”

  Emilio stepped forward, which caused Random to back up some.

  “Your life is payment enough,” he snarled.

  “Alright, you got a point. I’m just saying. There’s one more small favor I’m going to ask for, and it has nothing to do with either of you.” He wrinkled his eyebrows as he thought about what he was going to say next. “Well… it might involve you a little bit.”

  “What do you want?”

  Random pushed another loose strand of hair and focused on me, his eyes gleaming with a liquid shine as he visibly calmed.

  “Audrey. I want your sister, Audrey.”

  Chapter Nine


  “No! That’s the wrong one…we can’t use that beat whatsoever. I told you I needed more of a pulsating tone, not a swing one. You don’t want to be a jazz festival drop out. Make it tighter.” Random tossed the clipboard he was holding across the soundboard. It smacked against a shelf across the room, sending a vase of artificial flowers crashing to the floor.

  Saul’s fingers gripped the arms of the chair he’d sat in next to Random. Even the veins in his forehead and neck popped out with a fury as Random’s temper flared. I was afraid he was going to have a coronary from the deepening shade of crimson he was turning.

  I frowned at Random whose attitude this time around in our recording sessions for our second album had turned completely sour.

  “What the fuck is your problem? It was only a suggestion. You don’t have to implode,” I spat. His attitude needed a severe adjustment, and I was aching to use my fingers around his neck to do it.

  He turned toward me, and I swore I could see his anger dissipate slowly out his ears as he focused on me.

  “I apologize, Audrey, but there’s a ton of pressure on this second album, most of it you all have not been exposed to for several reasons. If this album fails, we’re done. I’m out of a job at least for a while. So…please. I need you guys to focus, and get your sister in here on time!”

  “I’m here…here.” Liz plopped into the chair next to me looking winded. Her face was flushed from the cooling autumn air outside, and her hair was wild under the beanie hat she’d pulled off as she sat down. “Let’s do this. What do you need from us, Random?”

  I gawked at her. This wasn’t Liv, not the consistently tardy and drunk on her continual sustenance of alcohol she lived off of so very often. This was an unfamiliar girl.

  “Liv…uh…What’ve you done with my sister?” I peered down at my cellphone for the time. “You’re almost late, but you made it…on time.” I was baffled and noticed the same shocked look upon Saul and Random’s faces.

  “What do you mean? I’m here. Let’s do it.” Liz jumped up and stood over the soundboard, wrinkling her nose at all the unidentified knobs, switches, and levers. “Play it again. I want to hear this crazy beat you’re arguing about.”

  Random’s usual seriousness returned to fill the previous crack in his armor, and he turned back to his favorite thing to do, molest the damn sound board to tweak the music we were creating.

  “Here, I think more of a hypno beat to the song will do, but I need you to re-sing the lyrics with a more moody sound to them. The last take was too…chippy. If you catch my drift.”

  Liz nodded as she listened to the beats. Her voice belted out of the speakers in a way that didn’t quite mesh with the rhythm Random was wanting, but I could see his point.

  “I can redo the guitar too, drag out the chords a tiny bit or go somewhat faster, whatever you guys think is better,” I volunteered.

  “I think a faster guitar will compliment it better, and Liz’s part elongated will help,” Saul stated. He was still pissed off, but the look on his face was all business. I hoped he could get over Random’s off the wall attitude, or this was going to be a rough recording session for the entire album. I didn’t want to spend my days cramped in here with two dueling guys.

  “Got it. Let’s do this.” Liz yanked off her jacket and smoothed her static filled hair down before slinging the studio door open and waving at us to follow. “Come on! We have music to make.”

  She definitely wasn’t herself, or maybe she was...I didn’t know. She appeared sober, which was a new thing from the last several months since Emilio left. She’d spent them in a dreary haze of drugs, alcohol, and a caffeine overdosing high. Something was different, but I would take this more coherent Liz any day of the week.

  “Alright then.” Saul followed us in and we settled at our respective instruments to play.

  “Ready? One…two…three…” Random’s voice faded, and we began playing our new single called Sweet Death. The combination of a slower hypnotic beat with a faster guitar made the room feel like I was in a trance. As Liz’s voice began flow, I closed my eyes, feeling the guitar become one with me as my own voice slid out to compliment hers…

  “Inside your heart

  I want to linger

  Just for a while

  For it inspires

  The darkness in me…

  Fill me up

  With your venom

  For your love requires

  The death of me…

  Poisonous touch

  Addictive in all ways
  Promise too much

  But I’m already lost

  This love is a killer

  A Fatal therapy

  Can’t seem to get away

  This sweet remedy

  Tar black heart

  You stole what’s left

  Your ice cold heart

  Crystallizing mine

  Until it shatters

  The light inside me

  Waiting for you to save me

  But it never comes

  Empty, forsaken heart

  Fails inside my chest

  This sweet death you give to me

  Such calamity…”

  The beat faded as we kept strumming the final chords. When we did finish, it echoed in my ears and left my heart racing. Music did that to me; it was the best drug I’d ever known, and it never failed to excite every synapse in my body. Even my fingertips buzzed from the energy it produced.

  “Perfect! Let’s play that back and see if it needs any tweaking. Wow…that was like a one take recording!” Random’s excitement made me forgive his earlier tantrum, and I smiled as I peered across the glass. He flicked his eyes up at that very moment, meeting my gaze.

  He didn’t look away but paused and continued to regard me until the power of it made me break the connection. I slowly strummed the guitar before peering up once more; first at Saul, who thankfully couldn’t see what just happened, and then to Liz, who wore a curiously knowing glimmer in her eyes. It wasn’t judgmental, but for once in my life, it told me something was happening and I had no idea what was going on, even though I thought I did.

  I ripped my eyes away, worried for a moment that I’d missed something. Glancing back up to Random, who was now busy moving knobs and flipping switches until our song began to flood the speakers with its mesmerizing beat, I felt something change, like a static charge in the air. Still, I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  Random sat back on his chair and focused on me again. Not Saul…not Liz…but me. I forced myself to not look away this time so I could observe this man even more. And there it was…clear as day.